Sunday, March 3, 2013

God's Waiting Room

Perhaps it has been days, maybe months, possibly years.

We are in God's waiting room.

Waiting, of course.


Learning as we wait.

Dependence on God. Trust.

Growth charts.

But, oh, waiting can be taxing.

We want things now.

Often, in our waiting we don't see the reason for having to wait. So we moan. Groan. Wonder.

Sometimes we doubt.

Oh, Lord, how long?



Then we listen.


We long for God's audible voice.

In the quiet, we are nudged to silence.

In the silence, we are reminded: "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

Relax. Chill out. Stop fretting.

Take a few breaths.

Be still.

Still to thank God for who He is.

Still to praise Him for being sheltered by His wing.

Thank Him for being a Rock, a Redeemer, a Fortress, a Father.

Be confident that He is working His purpose out.

Waiting in His waiting room is a time to bask in His love.

Believe He will call you out from waiting.

When you are ready.

Meanwhile, be still.


  1. Perfect peace that passes all understanding in this world is forged through great perseverance and pain.

    1. You are so right and I know you speak from experience, Linda. Thank you for reading and for your comment here.
